Python is a great programming language to choose if you are a beginner.
Let me tell you some point , why you should choose python as your first programming language (as a learner).
- Learning Pythnon is easy and fun
- No Boilerplate like #include or using or import just start coding
- Less line of code , you can write a simple hello world program in just one line but other languages take 10-15 line to write the same hello world program.( Fewer lines of code=fewer bugs. )
- It's Free
- Free doesn't mean no or less support. There are countless communities and forum on internet where you can get help.
- Tons of modules to jump start a new project.
- Python codes are 1001 % more readable than any other programming languages .
- Python is flexible no matter which OS you are using Linux , windows , mac , free BSD or any other Python codes supper flexible the same code will run on any OS with no or little change.
- Good quality documentation is there.
- It's easy to start up and light weight, but can add a ton of value.
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